Green Energy
The ‘Charming’ Burka
I really don’t know what to make of this or how the 7th century civilization of Islam will deal with a 21st century invention. Women who would rather not wear a burqa can now slip around it electronically.
Well, that’s the idea. Muslim men can not control their actions so they must control a woman’s. But not for long. This will keep the imams up at night.
A Berlin-based artist has invented a digitally-enabled robe that will send an image of a woman's face -- or anything else -- via Bluetooth.

Read the rest at The Gathering Storm.
A Woman In A Burqa
When you see a woman in your town wearing a burqa, does it make you feel invaded? If so, does that mean you are an intolerant racist? Does that mean you are a narrow-minded bigot? Let me ask you another question: If you see a nun in your town wearing...
Burka rage' teacher faces jail in France after ripping off Muslim woman's face veil A retired teacher is facing three years in prison for ripping off a Muslim’s face veil in the world’s first known case of ‘burka rage’. The 63-year-old...
Burqa Is Our Choice "There is no reason why they would close the door to us and open the door for others like animals and homosexuals.'' WHEN the Reverend Fred Nile failed to secure enough votes for his bill to ban the burqa in State Parliament,...
The Burqa: The Chains Of Modern Slavery
The Burqa is a portable concentration camp for women. It is the chains of modern slavery. Whenever I see a woman in a burqa, I know that I am in the presence of a Nazi ideology. If the woman herself is not a Nazi, then her husband, or father - or whatever...
Islam Says No To Wickedness
A question that needed to be asked:What is ruling of hijab if a woman is at a women’s gathering? I know it is permissible for her to remove her scarf, but how much of her body can she expose?This is how the answer starts:If she is in the presence of...
Green Energy