Green Energy
The "Alternative Christmas Message"

When a news story involves a level of controversy, often the reporters will choose to air the opinions of two experts on the subject who have opposing views. In theory, this is done so we can have a broader understanding of the story, in order to make up our own minds as to what we believe is right.
Channel 4 Network in Britain has, apparently, decided that there is something controversial about Christmas, so they have determined to air a "alternative Christmas message" which will be delivered by a Muslim woman in a full burqa.
Bin Laden Claims Responsibility For Airline Bomb Attempt On Christmas Day
Gateway Pundit: Sunday, January 24, 2010, 9:16 AM Jim Hoft Osama Bin Laden took responsibility for the Christmas bomb attempt in a new tape released by Al-Qaeda. The Al-Qaeda leader said the attacks would continue as long as America continues its relationship...
Iran Hangs Ten On Christmas Eve
by Ed Morrissey at Hot Air: Iran hangs ten on Christmas Eve Unfortunately, that’s not a surfing reference. While Mahmoud Ahmadinejad got a television platform in the UK to pass along a propaganda message to the West on how to celebrate a holiday his...
It's Final, Britain Is Gone
Outrageous. from AFP via Hot Air: Iran's president to deliver Christmas message on British TV LONDON (AFP) — Iran's President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad will deliver an alternative Christmas message on British television to rival Queen Elizabeth II's...
The Channel 4 Brush Off
I have received a reply to my Furious post from Channel 4, apparently from a Max Whitman Thank you for contacting Channel 4 Viewer Enquiries. We felt it fitting that the Alternative Christmas Message should be from a British Muslim woman in a year in...
I am furious at Channel 4's decision to screen an Islamic alternative Christmas message with a women in a full face veil. I have some questions for Channel 4's chief executive Andy Duncan 1. Why do Channel 4 go out of their way not to offend...
Green Energy