Green Energy
The After Party Radio Show

The Fu2rman and I interview the Bishop Jackson, Pastor, Author and Harvard-educated Attorney.
Bishop Jackson, like President Obama, is a graduate of Harvard Law School, and he is a black man (with the itinerate feelings of knowing what it's like "to be a black man in America") who has Muslims in his family.
So, he is a man who is both close to Islam and far from it at the same time.
We have previously featured the Bishop Jackson here at IBA in this article posted by Carlos.
The Bishop is convinced that President Obama has an insidious anti-Israel agenda which originates from a strain of anti-Semitism which exists in the black community.
Bishop Jackson has a word for it. He calls it "Blackism". He abhors the racialization of the Pulpit in the Black Church.
I have another word for this phenomenon. I call it "Chrislam". A new hybrid of Christianity and Islam.
The Bishop and I discuss this subject in exacting detail. The Bishop is concerned that Obama's anti-Israel agenda, in favor of a worldview espoused by the Muslim Brotherhood, is going to, ultimately, be to the detriment of America. I agree.
This is a meeting of the minds of two people, of two different races and two different world experiences who, at the same time, believe that we are all "One in the Blood".
The media would have us believe that Jesse Jackson, Louis Farrakhan, and Al Sharpton are leaders of the "Black Community".
Bishop Jackson is the kind of Blackfolk that I am familiar with.
And, despite the fact that the man has appeared on CSPAN, and other television news networks, the MSM tends to avoid people like him, and instead focus on "people of color" who are grievance minded.
We are being sold a bill of goods, and I'm not buying. For every victimologist like Sonia Sotomayor or Al Sharpton, there are millions of people like Bishop Jackson out there who are Conservative, upstanding, contributing members of American society. But, the media chooses to ignore them.
At the After Party we feature them.
Click here to listen to the show.
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Green Energy