Green Energy
The Arabic Mein Kampf

I'm posting this graphic as a follow-up to my "Mein Kampf~Koran" posts from a couple weeks ago. This is yet another graphic reminder of who our enemies are and what they stand for.
Bottom line?
Mein Kampf = Koran
Say, Does Anyone Know What The #2 Bestseller In German Non Fiction Is?
“Mein Kampf” is a bestseller again in Germany, with demand so outstripping supply that it is virtually impossible to get one’s hands on a copy. Adolf Hitler’s anti-Semitic screed, which was republished in Germany earlier this year in a scientifically...
The Koran Versus Mein Kampf From the Anti-Jihadist at Pedestrian Infidel: A recent comment thread here at PI compared Herr Hitler's Manifesto from over 80 years ago, "Mein Kampf", to that "holy of holies" to Muslims, the Koran. Commenters have noted...
Wilders, The Koran, And Fitna
Geert Wilders is in trouble for comparing the Koran to Mein Kampf by Hitler. But, when Mein Kampf came out, Winston Churchill declared it to be "the new Koran". Mein Kampf doesn't even go so far as to call for the death of Jews. The Koran does. Additionally,...
Storm Track Disinformation: Who You Calling A Fascist? Not Us
From The Gathering Storm So Radical Muslims have their burkas all in bunch about being called Islamo-fascists. They whine that it’s not so. Oh Really?"Hitler's 'Mein Kampf' sells 50,000 copies in Turkey in three months,"Hitler’s...
The Koran Vs. Mein Kampf
Joshuapundit compares the ideas contained in Hitler's book with those in the Koran: Mein Kampf- States that Germans are the superior race of mankind and that Germany is destined to rule the world , and dominate all other races and nations. Q'uran-States...
Green Energy