The BBC displays, quite innocently, it's galactic stupidity ...or...there IS an objective reality on earth, and they don't believe it
Green Energy

The BBC displays, quite innocently, it's galactic stupidity ...or...there IS an objective reality on earth, and they don't believe it

By now at least some readers must be aware of the Israelis attempt to repair a collapsed ramp, on Temple Mount, or Haram al Sharif, take your pick.

It is or is not, depending upon whether you believe the Romans arranged things in favor of future Zionists, the site of Solomon's Temple, and then after that was destroyed, the temple rebuilt by Herod about the time Octavian was getting the better of the Roman Senate. It is also the site where Vespasian and Titus exemplified the Roman solution to rebellion, and burned it all to the ground while the jews resisted first in the Antonia Fortress and then in the temple itself, until finally when Jerusalem lay in waste, 1 million jews were dead, and the temple a pile of ash. 700 years later Umar, the 2nd Caliph, conquered Jerusalem in the Arab imperial religious invasions, and chose, not by chance to construct the mosque on top of the Jews temple site, making it forever a waqf, and the site of religious strife.
Today the ancient structure on top (all Muslim) and the Wall beneath, all that is left of the Temple, represent in 200 feet of length the root of why Islam has failed so far. Numbers of people who follow some belief, considering the sad religious history of this planet, do NOT represent success, IMHO.

So the Israelis (for all of Islam, the Jews, interchangeably, and this is the signifying fact) are trying to construct a new ramp to replace the collapsed one.

Now nearly every Imam I ever saw quoted, refuses to acknowledge that this site, where the 'Wall' is, IS where the Temple was, and is not by chance where the Arabs went out of their way to create a garbage dump before 1967. I would have to say that at best, the issue is not only long settled, but past doubt, or argument. However, this seems to be up there with those, like the wonderful two Mahmouds (Abbas and Ahmadinejad), who think the Holocaust also remains in the realm of questionable history.

Naturally, the ramp, since it is designed by, worked on and funded by jews, is actually an attempt to destroy Al Aqsa, undermine it, or make it a Synagogue or Yeshiva. I mean what else could it be? It could't be a a repair to maintain safe access for all religions and peoples to an ancient, archaeological, religious and historic site, could it?

And then enters the BBC to report.

Immediately causing one to question the very meaning of the word.

To me it is to transmit the facts.

I just did.

But the BBC with astonishing moronic greatness, gives credit to the arab position of racist, conspiratorial, rumor - dimension.


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