Green Energy
The Boar's Head Inn

A guy wrote to me yesterday and said that when he spent time in Bavaria he noticed that there was an almost unnatural emphasis put on pork. There were photos of pork, restaurants called Boar's Head, or Pig's Head, celebrations of sausage, etc.
He asked if it could be that this is a leftover from a time of Moorish incursions into Norther Europe. Could it be that the Infidels responded by doing what they believed would piss off the Muslims, and then, over time, as the threat subsided they simply carried on the tradition and forgot how it started?
I don't know history well enough to be able to say whether this may be true, or not. Does anyone else know?
Educational Book Publisher Bans All Mentions Of Pigs, So Muslims Are Not Offended
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I Miss You
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French Fast Food Chain Makes All Meals Halal
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What Goes Appoints Muslim To Top Religious Post In Controversial First
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Infidel Bloggers Alliance Comment Of The Day
I love this comment from Jason Pappas (with regards to all the particular dislikes of Islamofascists): Imagine their response to a wild boar? And they hate dogs, too. Let's see: Jews, Bush, dogs, squirrels, pigs, Buddhist statues, Queen of England,...
Green Energy