Green Energy
The Boomerang Efffect
And with a
good result:
Eye for an Eye: Arab Attacker Killed by his Own Rock
( A Palestinian Authority Arab who stoned cars in Samaria was killed by one of his own rocks, police have concluded. A Jewish man held in connection with the death has been released.
The Arab teenager hurled heavy stones at Israeli-owned vehicles along a Samaria highway last Tuesday evening. He managed to hit one car, which was driven by a resident of the nearby town of Emmanuel.
Fearing further attacks, the driver fired a single shot in the air to frighten away the stone-thrower. He then contacted local security officers to report both the attack and his own response.
A short time later, Israeli paramedics received a report of an Arab teen found unconscious and badly wounded next to a highway. The teen suffered a serious head injury that appeared to be a bullet wound. Medical personnel rushed to the scene but were unable to save the young Arab, who died a short time later.
Police originally believed that the resident of Emmanuel who reported firing in the air had in fact fired at his attacker, killing him. The man was arrested and questioned. However, an initial forensic report showed that the attacker had not been killed by a bullet, and the detainee was released.
A final forensic report, released over the weekend, showed that the attacker was killed when a stone he threw hit the car driven by the man from Emmanuel. The stone hit the car's tire and bounced back at high speed, hitting the attacker and leaving him with a fatal head injury.
Act like one from the Stone Age, die like one from the Stone Age:

(Hat tip to
Woman Honor Thyself, for the link and the graphic)
Woman Shoots And Decapitates Rapist Who Made Her Pregnant Before Dumping His Severed Head In Village Square
From the Daily Mail: Woman cut off rapist’s head before declaring: ‘That is the head of one who toyed with my honour’Mother-of-two, 26, had been ‘abused for months’ by attacker before she took revengeBy Allan HallPUBLISHED: 04:51...
Gun And Grenade Attack In Belgium
The situation is still fluid and therefore details a bit murky. There were four attackers, There was one attacker. Shots fired, no shots fired. The attacker is dead. They don't know who the attacker is. And, of course, there is no tie to terrorism....
INN: Arab Rioters Threaten Jewish Homes During Funeral in Old City Arab rioters attempted on Saturday to burst into several Jewish homes built in the Moscowitz housing project in eastern Jerusalem, hurling rocks and damaging Jewish property. The rioters...
Terror Attack With Bmw Leaves 15 Injured
A Muslim from east Jerusalem ran into a crowd with a BMW: An Arab resident of east Jerusalem rammed his vehicle into a group of soldiers at a central Jerusalem thoroughfare late Monday night, wounding fifteen people, before being shot dead by an off-duty...
Five Israeli Arabs Arrested On Terror Charges
From Israel National News: Five Israeli-Arabs were arrested Sunday in the Arab village of Um el-Fahm just hours after it was released for publication that a young Israeli-Arab woman was arrested for planning a bombing. The entire Wadi Ara region of north-central...
Green Energy