Green Energy
The Child Molester as Kindergarden Teacher
"The Israelis did not start the war." "That does not matter."
German peace force in Africa. (Photo: AFP)Since last Monday, Germany is making noises that they might consider sending troops to Lebanon as part of a multinational U.N. force if certain conditions were met.
Several European Union countries are ready to contribute to a peace force but problems remain about ensuring it can fulfil its mission, according to EU foreign policy chief Javier Solana on Monday.
German Defence Minister Franz Josef Jung said if both sides in the conflict and the international community requested German participation, it would be difficult for Berlin to decline. "We could not refuse a peace mission of this nature if these conditions were met and if requests were directed to us," Jung told German television station N24.
Of course it would and of I bet my arse they couldn't. It's the convicted-child-molestor-craving-a-job-as-kindegarten-teacher-syndrome all over again.
[Continue reading about that nice little bit of
chutzpah HERE!]
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Green Energy