Green Energy
The cool totem, 'accurate' as always speaks 'out' ..
RAMIREZ of Investor's Business Daily .. if a picture is worth a thousand words, a

good political cartoon is word a thousand pictures.
Fake Photos Promote Sympathy For Pseudostinians
Here's one: That child was killed by a Hamas rocket, not by Israel. Gateway Pundit has more information HERE. Photos such as the one above are all over the front pages of the mainstream-media newspapers, thereby promoting hatred of Israel. Once once...
Fight For Freedom On Facebook
FACEBOOK has provided a new way to wage war against Islamic supremacism, and we should take advantage of it. I'm on FaceBook as Charles TheHammer, so if you're already on FaceBook, click here and make me your friend. What else can you do on FaceBook?...
An Honest Opinion From A Danish Bank
A picture can tell you more than a thousand words. At the presentation Tuesday morning in the Danish bank 'Saxo Bank' [picture] they had this message about the financial situation in the United States. One thing is the media hyped 'crisis'...
Happy Birthday Israel
From Pamela at Atlas Shrugs: INDOMITABLE ISRAEL AT 60 by Pamela Geller and Eliza Saxon “…and whether we like it or not, the coming into being of a Jewish State in Palestine is an event in world history to be viewed in the perspective, not of a generation...
"hatred" Translated For Diamanda Galas Program "defixiones"
This was in a program for a performance of Diamanda Galas' "Defixiones", or "orders from the dead" dedicated to the genocides perpetrated by the Turks against the Christians of Asia Minor. I will be writing more on this subject soon, as I had read...
Green Energy