Green Energy
The democrats are going to win, the republicans deserve to LOSE
Get used to the idea of impeachment hearings and even more acrimonius debates about Iraq.

Get used to the idea that we will, via a House Ways and Means Committee jamming up the budget, be compelled to remove our troops to save their lives since they will have no money. Get used to the idea that the ensuing cataclysmically failed state (either the entire of what since 1920 has been Iraq, or parts thereof) will be the subject of gargantuan epochal finger pointing.
Get used to the idea of 2+ years of control of the motive portion of the democratic party by those who believe the USA was formed BAD, to BE BAD, to be the nation of the priveledged few, despoiling both those workers here, and now all over.
And the fault for this will lie with the Republicans.
The republicans, who faced no accountability in Tora Bora, who faced no accountabililty as Iraq turned in a carnival of looting and armory raiding, who refused to enforce responsibility on the army structure which lead to abuses, who faced no responsibility and unpleasantness when they KNEW FOR YEARS about the great moron Foley, and who continue with mediocrity and sub par performances in leadership positions at a moment of national peril.
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Green Energy