Green Energy
The duping of Fox News or the END of it's independence

The facts are these.

Saudi Prince Al-Waleed (the gentleman Rudy Giuliani told to take his check for NYC after 9/11 and shove it) is said be the world’s fifth richest man and is now NewsCorp’s fourth largest voting shareholder (behind the Murdoch family, Liberty Media and fund giant Fidelity Management & Research Co).
"To me, money is...a gift from God, to whom I am forever thankful. To attest to that, I refer to the Quranic Verse: "If you give thanks, I will give you more." Quranic Verse, Ibrahim 7."

Neturei Karta, an orthodox jewish sect which believes as a matter of faith that jews are mandated not to have a nation of any kind until the messiah comes, a sect which began in 1935, a sect which welcomes the efforts of Ahmadinejad, and is in the pay of same, has but 5,000 adherents, MAX.
This represents ~ four one hundredths of one percent of the Jewish people. While many in Neturei Karta chose to simply ignore the State of Israel, a fringe element took proactive steps to condemn it and bring about its eventual dismantling until the coming of the Messiah. Chief among these is Rabbi Moshe Hirsch, Neturei Karta's self-proclaimed "Foreign Minister," who served in Yasser Arafat's cabinet as Minister for Jewish Affairs.
ATLAS SHRUGS points out that Fox ran this story yesterday:
Orthodox Jews to Join Other Arab Organizations in Protest Against the AIPAC (American Israel Public Affairs Committee) Annual Dinner, and Against the Recent Atrocities in GAZA
The following is a statement by Rabbi Yisroel Dovid Weiss, a spokesman for Neturei Karta International:
AIPAC: (An Institution Perpetuating Atrocities and Catastrophe)

Rabbi Yisroel Dovid Weiss, a spokesman for Neturei Karta International, Jews United Against Zionism, stated at a recent meeting: "Philanthropists, government representatives and well meaning people, should be apprised of the reality, that supporting Zionism and the State of 'Israel' does not help Jews or Judaism, but on the contrary only helps to perpetuate the tragic impasse and constant bloodshed in the Middle East, both of Arab and Jew......He further stated: "The Jewish principles of exile may be a shock and a complete surprise to the well-meaning friends and supporters of the Jewish people, but facts cannot be disputed. The Torah explicitly forbids us, the Jewish nation, from having our own State in this Heavenly decreed exile. We must patiently await the day when the Almighty Himself, without any human intervention, will bring the hearts of all mankind together to serve Him in peace and harmony.
Israel is tiny refuge to a tiny and historically oppressed, and widely discriminated against, expelled and murdered people. That is a fact.
Has Fox run this story as a sop, or at the suggestion of a stockholder, whose impulses are a religiously inspired will ti see it destroyed, and return the Jewish people to that former status?
[email protected]
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