The EMP attack scenario .. not likely to cause nationwide disaster
Green Energy

The EMP attack scenario .. not likely to cause nationwide disaster

Multiple sources document that an effective altitude for an EMP attack is NO LESS than 40km. or 132,000 feet.

Here is AEI:
In many respects, an EMP attack is a unique and unprecedented threat to the United States. EMP is a high-intensity burst of electromagnetic energy caused by the rapid acceleration of charged particles. EMP is most often created from gamma rays emitted during a nuclear explosion. At altitudes between 40 to 400 kilometers, these gamma rays produce high-energy free electrons that give rise to an oscillating electric current that destroys electronic equipment
Other sources agree. A nuclear detonation for this purpose would have no more effect in this manner than it it in Hiroshima or Nagasaki. If a terrorist could outfit an aircraft this way, they simply have a B-52 kamikaze mission  which would probably have to be carried out coming in under radar from a VERY long distance, against a, NOW, forewarned defense.

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