The Era of I Told You So
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The Era of I Told You So

In The Era of I Told You So, there is little need to say, "I told you so."

With the rise of ISIS the world is now seeing the evils of Islam, which we have been warning about, on a daily basis.

The media can no longer hide the truth.

Now even Amnesty International - which has for so long willfully ignored the sins of Islam -  is admitting that Islam is carrying out an "Ethnic Cleansing of historic proportions".

People like us, Christians, Jews, Hindus, Buddhists, Gays, Atheists, and others - who so often have little in common - have come together to share the truth across the internet. I post in multiple mediums, as do almost all the people who post here at IBA. Every friend now knows what I think. I have spread this message as far and wide as I possibly can.

And here is my message:

1) Muslims kill Buddhists, Jews, Christians, Hindus, Gays, Apostates, Secularists, and Infidels of all kinds, everywhere they find them.

2) Muslims are currently in open Jihad against Christians in Nigeria, Syria, and Iraq. Christians, and other non-Muslims, are being murdered by the tens of thousands, for the crime of exercising their Freedom of Conscience.

3) Muslims murdered my wife's people, and plundered their property in Mindanao, Philippines. They murdered my neighbor's family and plundered their property in Turkey and Armenia. They murdered my friend's family, and plunderd their property in Iran.

4) There is no difference between what Muslims are doing to non-Muslims in Nigeria, Iraq, Syria, the Philippines, Malaysia, or Israel. It's all the same. It is war upon the Infidel: Jihad. This is what Muslims do. And they do it well.

I may be one of the most brutal articulators of the truth. But what I write is echoed by hundreds of thousands of Christians, Jews, Buddhists, Hindus, Secularists, and Gays, around the United States, Europe, and the rest of the world.

There is no way to ignore the truth. We have beat the media.

And now, this is The Era of "I Told You So."

Everything we have warned about for the past 13 years is coming true, and I often feel as if I no longer even have to say anything.

But I will. I will continue doing what I have done for the last 13 years.

Geert Wilders:


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