The Eternal Victim
Green Energy

The Eternal Victim

Tariq Nelson:

Here is an example of past dehumanization and the smearing of all blacks as stupid, lazy and immoral

A few YouTube videos follow and then we get this whopper:

It is no different today when they try to label each and every Muslim as irrational and evil. Everyone agrees that there are lunatics out there, but let’s see a smear campaign for what it is.

Of course. That era of 'blacks are stupid, incompetent, and deserve to be kept separate so as to keep the white race pure' is no different than writing and reporting about the countless crimes and cruelties committed by Muslims in the name of their vile God.

News shows regularly get Muslims who are taqiyya masters parrot the "Islam is peace" line. Western nations are helping Afghans and Iraqis -- who're largely Muslim -- in picking their own governments. Millions of Muslims are allowed to enter the West every year. The average Muslim household in the US earns a higher income than the average American household.

How utterly coarse to minimize the sufferings of slaves and their descendants to compare the rich and luxurious lifestyle of Western Muslims today to them. Such Muslims need to drop their eternal victim schtick and get on with their lives and realize that most of their religious cohorts support the imposition of sharia on the world -- a view that doesn't tend to produce warm and tender feelings for the umma.

By the way, who exactly has labeled all of these billion-plus Muslims as "irrational and evil"? I've read about evil regimes, individual evil Muslims and utterly wicked majority opinions from Muslim nations but not that. Setting that glorious straw man on fire is not convincing.

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