Green Energy
The ethical fallacy of proportionate use of force - THE MARCH
Israel today finds itself pummeled in a velvet vise of ethical bent, not even argued about by the USA, which in the person of George Bush, has refused at least to get involved in making military decisions for Israel's defense.
That vise is the drearily repeated false principle that proportionate use of force is some sort of moral paragon of eternal virtue. It is not only no such thing, it's a load of fresh manure, historically.
There are moral, practical and sociological reasons why maximum force should ALWAYS be employed by free societies, and why western forces often have. Israel and the IDF fits this set of principles right now.
The moral - Israel is the offended state, not only by the purposeful taking of the men after they UNILATERALTERALLY withdrew from lands in dispute (which was claimed to have been the casus belli previously), but because continuous war was made against the Israeli state and citizens by their neighbors, who sought to hide from responsibility, as non governmental actors. These actors are not only the representatives of states which have made the death of Israel a central function of their policy, but also are inimical to freedom, religious tolerance, and freedom of speech. They represent the forces of fear and degradation.

Morally, these guys and their tools represent an ideological force for freedom as opposed to the arrogant religious, and racist theocracy of their enemy.
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