Green Energy
The Face Of Evil - Allah Is Moloch

Moloch was a god, worshipped in the ancient Near East, known as the bloodthirsty god of child-sacrifice. Allah is just such a god.
Pamela at Atlas Shrugs has an amazing post up this morning called The Birth of a Terror Nation. In her post she quotes from the Muslim website which originally posted this photograph. Here's what they have to say:
This is a picture of a Palestinian mother stepping on the corpse of her son who betrayed the Muslims by helping the Israelis.
If all mothers were like this,
Our lands would be liberated in no time.
They call their god Allah, but his real name is Moloch.
Check out this video: ''Mother of a Shahid''
Fourth Planned Parenthood Video: Planned Parenthood Vp Says Fetuses May Come Out Intact, Agrees Payments Specific To The Specimen
"Cuz if you have someone in a really anti-(abortion) state, they're probably going to get caught." "I know I've seen livers, I've seen stomachs. I've seen plenty of neural tissue. Usually you can see usually the whole brain comes out."...
Moloch Says, "bombs Are More Precious Than Children"
Did I say "Moloch"? I meant Allah. From Jihad Watch: Watch as a prepubescent girl watches her mother carefully fondling bombs and dynamite -- hence, "bombs are more precious than children" -- only to blow herself up killing Israelis. The child,...
Un Bans Criticism Of Islam
From the Telegraph: It didn’t attract much notice, but the General Assembly of the United Nations ended the year by passing a disgusting resolution protecting Islam from criticism of its human rights violations. Lots of non-Muslims voted for it –...
Hamas : We Are A Nation That Drinks Blood, And We Know That There Is No Blood Better Than The Blood Of Jews
Speechless, but not shocked. Just watch as this is a MUST SEE VIDEO of the true intentions of Muslims towards Jews (and all other non-Muslims), which is outlined clearly in the Quran and Hadeeth (thanks to PMW who found this video) : click the picture...
Parallel And Perverse Worlds
American mother, Cindy Sheehan. Palestinian mother, Umm Nidal. These women are not opposites. They are negative images of one another. Sheehan’s world view says nothing about America is worth dying for. Mamma Nidal says she saved her sons for Allah...
Green Energy