Green Energy
The Godzilla Is Coming
U.N. agency: State of emergency at nuclear power plant in Onagawa, Japan, where excessive radiation levels reported
From Alexander Munch:

Don't worry Japan, Israeli search and rescue team is on its way !Pasto, Run for your life !

'They've lost control': French claim Japan is hiding full scale of nuclear disaster as TWO more reactors heat upJapan's stricken nuclear power plant was abandoned for hours today, as soaring radiation forced emergency workers to flee for...
Over The Edge … Earthquake-tsunami-nukes-financial Cascade - Worldwide Catastrophe
LEAD IN TO...WORLDWIDE ECONOMIC CATASTROPHE?With a bang and a whimper…Panicked residents start to flee Tokyo as radiation levels rise after THIRD blast at stricken nuclear power plant TO WHERE? Where is there food, shelter, water, sustenance for 12...
Meltdown Alert At Japan Reactor: Explosion Heard At Third Nuclear Plant
From AJC: SOMA, Japan — A third explosion in four days rocked the earthquake-damaged Fukushima Dai-ichi nuclear plant in northeast Japan early Tuesday, the country's nuclear safety agency said. The blast at Dai-ichi Unit 2 followed two hydrogen...
Bloomberg: Meltdown Possible at Fukushima Nuclear Plant, Tokyo Electric Official Says By Tsuyoshi Inajima, Yuji Okada and Shigeru Sato - Mar 14, 2011 12:25 AM ET Tokyo Electric Power Co. said a meltdown is possible at its Fukushima Dai-Ichi No. 3 reactor...
Fox reporting on TV and Breitbart on web: Explosion at Japan nuclear plant: live TV An explosion shook an earthquake-damaged Japanese nuclear power plant Monday sending plumes of smoke rising from the building, live television showed. MSNBC states: TOKYO...
Green Energy