Green Energy
The Golden Balls Award: And The Winner Is ...

Los Angeles area radio host, Bill Handel:
Los Angeles’s top talkradio station is under fire from a Muslim group because of comments made earlier this month by morning man Bill Handel. The Council on American-Islamic Relations has demanded an apology from Handel for making fun of a stampede that killed hundreds of Muslims during an annual pilgrimage.
But Handel is set to fire back, the DRUDGE REPORT has learned.
Handel will apologize IF the Council on American-Islamic Relations:1) Decries all acts of terror (described specifically, not generally) 2) Agrees that Israel is a sovereign nation with the right to defensible borders 3) CAIR has no ties of any sort, financially or otherwise, to any terror orgs or individiuals.Yes!
Ladies and gentlemen, we Infidels go through some depressing times, but I get the feeling things may be starting to turn. Yes, we bloggers can dish the truth, but the fact remains, we need our leaders in government and the media to stand up as well. Maybe, it is starting to happen.
Now, we need Condi and Bush to stare down the terror masters in Hamas with the same fury our man, Handel, is staring down the obfuscators at CAIR.
HandelWater Music ...
Storm Track Disinformation: Cair - Promoting Ideology Over Community
Blond Sagacity posted a biting blog on CAIR and its feud with the Fox Network over the TV show 24. Making a show about modern day terrorism without using Muslims extremists would be like making a Mafia show and using Guatemalans. In fact, considering...
Flying While Muslim
(All emphases by Always On Watch) Just in time for the Hajj, which begins on December 29, CAIR, now the legal representative of five of the six praying imams and pursuing an out-of-court settlement, is stirring the pot: American Muslims making a religious...
Not In The Name Of Islam Anti-terror Tv Ads To Air
(WASHINGTON, D.C., 10/23/06) - Beginning Wednesday, October 25, the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) will air its “Not in the Name of Islam” anti-terror television advertisement on cable networks in Minnesota, including during a Monday...
Cair Whines—again
In reference to the term "Islamic fascists," the obligatory whine-o-gram has been issued from CAIR. Excerpt: "U.S. MUSLIMS CONCERNED ABOUT BUSH'S USE OF 'ISLAMIC FASCISTS' - TOP CAIR: 'Today you equated the religion of peace with the ugliness...
Green Energy