Green Energy
The Hysterics of Both Islam and Liberalism

A funny feeling that I have been told to submit to another "religion" forced me to write this one. Read it all on
What Would Charles Martel Do?
When Is Mel Gibson Going To Make A Movie About The History Of Jihad?
Just thought I'd throw the meme out there. Here's your assignment, Mel. We need a movie about Charles Martel or Jean Sobieski, or even the Crusades or Vlad Drakul, if you must. You'd get to portray bloodthirsty, violent people. And, you'd...
Turkish Cleric Says Criticism Of Islam Is A Threat To World Peace
Islam is not a religion of peace. It is a religion of submission. When you submit, then there is peace. Islam is not a religion of reason. It is a religion of submission. You must not question. Islam is not a relgion of love. It is a religion of power....
Just A Bit Of Fun
OK, this may not be relevant particularly, but it's good for a laugh....I HOPE! I just had a lot of fun with this little video, and wanted to invite you guys to see it either here or at What Would Charles Martel Do? It's me having a little fun...
Cartoonifada 2006 : The Emperor's New Clothes
Here are some of my latest thoughts on "Cartoonifada 2006" as I have taken to calling it. I was wondering what my fellow Infidel Bloggers thoughts were on my theory. "I really thought that I was finished writing about this topic. Truly. It is being covered...
Scair Tactics And The Cultural Divide
Watch out! CAIR has begun trying to intimidate bloggers. Thank you to Pim's Ghost, from What Would Charles Martel Do? for sending this over: The Council on American Muslim Relations (CAIR) has recently begun agaitations in the section of their organization...
Green Energy