Green Energy
The Infidel Bloggers Alliance Radio Show - Interview With Craig Baker - The "Pig Races" Guy

Tonight, Fu2rman and I interviewed Craig Baker, the Texas man who responded to the new Mosque next door by staging a "Great American Pig Race and Pork Barbecue" every Friday night during prayer services.
He's the man. A true American Infidel Hero.
We also talked with Imam Ali Allah Akbar Bibi, who proclaimed death to the Infidels and Jews, condemned Lesbians, and made a general ass of himself.
And finally, we spoke with Horst Scheinhaxe, the leader of the Council of American-Nazi Relations. (Check out that website. It is something else.)
Horst talked about the plague of Naziphobia which is sweeping the nation. Apparently, some evil right-winger threw a copy of Mein Kampf in the toilet at New York University.
The horror.