Green Energy
The Infidel Bloggers Alliance Radio Show

Coming to you live, from under sniper fire in Bosnia, it's the Infidel Bloggers Alliance Radio Show ...
Featuring an interview with noted columnist Erik Rush, the man who broke the story that Barack Obama's church adheres to a black nationalist ideology.
You've seen Erik on Fox News, and CNN, you've heard him on Sean Hannity's radio show, among others,
and now, you can hear him interviewed on the questions only Pastorius and the Fu2rman would dare to ask.
When's the last time Michelle Obama got any?
Is Obama gay?
Do you think Obama is really the Messiah?
Erik answers these questions and more.
Please take note, the show was cut off at the beginning, so you will not be hearing the first 8 minutes, which included a rant against Ethnic Nationalism in all its forms, and a discussion of Ted Turner's prediction of mass cannibalism as a result of Global Warming.
When the show picks up, you will her us discussing how various celebrities and politicians might taste if you were to actually go cannibal.
Other topics include:
Women, chicks, babes, and burqa-bound bitches
Gays are people too
Muslim Girl Magazine
Raping and Pillaging as a response to "The Christian Fitna"
I hope you have a good time with the show.
Click here to listen.
The Infidel Bloggers Alliance Radio Show Interview With Robert Spencer
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The Infidel Bloggers Alliance Radio Show
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The Infidel Bloggers Alliance Radio Show
And now, coming to you live from between the thighs of a hot Muslima babe in Beirut, Lebanon, it's the Infidel Bloggers Alliance Radio Show ... We are the paralell government of the entire world. We are the locker room of the counter-Jihadi Military....
THE INFIDEL BLOGGERS ALLIANCE RADIO SHOW And now, coming to you live from an Infidel paramilitary compound, somewhere in the no-man's land of the American Southwest, it's the Infidel Bloggers Alliance Radio Show ... ... where we rock, roll, and...
The Infidel Bloggers Alliance Radio Show
And now, coming to you live from a stealth bomber circling above Mecca, it's the Infidel Bloggers Alliance Radio Show. A monstrous show, blasting freedom in the faces of Islamofasists around the world. Topics include: 1) Kill all Pacifists - Gandhi...
Green Energy