Green Energy
The Infidel Bloggers Alliance Radio Show

Last night, the Fu2rman and I were shot out of a cannon, completely fucking enraged.
What set me off?
Well, what set me off was Ed Morrissey, the guy from Captain's Quarters blog, who likes to paternalistically portray himself as the "moderate" voice of reason.
Get this: Ed Morrissey has written that, if America were to be attacked with nuclear weapons, by a terrorist organization, that we should not retaliate in kind, because it just wouldn't be right.
Let me tell you something, friggin' Ed Morrissey, if America were to be hit by nukes, and we did
not retaliate with a nuclear

attack on the terrorist-sponsoring nations who are known to possess nuclear weapons, then people like us, here at IBA, would be out in the streets with torches and pitchforks hunting "moderates" like you down.
Ed Morrissey, "Moderate".We would shake the foundations of the government, and we would make sure that a
Churchill was installed in place of your "moderate" ass.
So, cut it with the "moderate" crap, Ed Morrissey. No more paternalistic nonesense.
We also interviewed Big Mike, The Kid From Brooklyn, last night, and he kicked ass.
Listen, I'm sorry about all the profanity in this post, but I hate "moderates" like Ed Morrissey even more than I hate Pacifists.
I hope you will forgive me.

Listen to the show. Listen to Big Mike, the Kid from Brookly, the VOICE,
Click on the media player below to listen to the show.