Green Energy
The Infidel Bloggers Alliance Radio Show

Tonight the Fu2rman and I did a new version of the Infidel Bloggers Alliance Radio Show.
We began with an interview with Dominique Pussois, anti-war activist and head of the United Nations Council of Unity, Neutrality, and Tolerance (UN-CUNT). Dominique declared to us that he is a "Pussyfist" and explained his philsophy of appeasement.
It was very enlightening.
Then, we did a very serious interview with Dr. Paul Williams, the noted author and Terrorism-Expert. We talked with Dr. Williams about the possibility that the Polonium which killed former Soviet-spy Litvinenko was being smuggled into Britain in order to maintain an actual nuclear bomb.
Indications are that this is true, because police have recently, according to Dr. Williams, ordered 80,000 special radiation body bags.