Green Energy
The Jews Latest Subterfuge: Thousand Island Dressing

That's right, an Israeli company is attempting to bring down the Muslim world by producing a recipe for Thousand Island dressing which includes alcohol. Allah himself is, as one would expect, humiliated:
Website calls on Israeli Arabs to avoid dressing after consumer discovers it contains alcohol
A website affiliated with the northern branch of Israel's Islamic Movement warned its readers to avoid a brand of Thousand Island dressing produced by a well-known Israeli company. The warning was issued after a local Arab discovered that the dressing contains alcohol.
The Palestine 48 website called on its readers to stay away from the dressing after being approached by Majdi Khatib.
"In recent days, another product was added to the list of products forbidden to Muslims because they contain alcohol," the website said. "Khatib discovered that the dressing contains alcohol and is sold naturally and inadvertently at Arab and Muslim shops."
"I was invited to dinner by a friend and discovered appetizing salads," Khatib recounted. "I asked my friend what he used to make the salad and he told me about the dressing and said it is sold in stores. When I returned home with my wife I checked the dressing's ingredients and was stunned to discover that it contains alcohol, without directing people's attention or warning them."
Khatib noted that he approached a senior figure in the manufacturer's marketing department and was told that the company did not mislead anyone, as the ingredients were clearly noted on the packaging. The senior figure reportedly told Khatib that anyone can decide whether he wishes to use the dressing.
Can you imagine how desolate and humiliated Allah must feel when he realizes that the dastardly Jews have foiled him yet again.
Hey Allah, next up, we'll be showing you the full-on Pressed Fruit Salad.
Bwa ha ha ha ha!
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