Green Energy
The Jihadists Will Eventually Use Nukes

I believe nuclear war is an inevitability.
The Jihadists demonstrated on 9/11 that they are willing to do whatever they can, with whatever resources they can get their hands on, to kill as many of us as possible, and to do as much damage to our system as is possible.
Therefore, if they were able to get their hands on nukes, they would use them against us.
Since I believe this is an inevitability, I have allowed my mind free reign to ponder the possible solutions.
Here is what I have thought about.
1) We do not want to "turn the entire ME into glass", though many people do propose this idea with much wrathful fury.
2) We can not afford to run continuous wars with the 57 nations which comprise the Organization of the Islamic Conference.
3) We could pursue a strategy of nuking one city after another until we beat them into submission, but that will only encourage more Jihadists to aquire nukes and use them on us.
4) In my opinion, any use of nukes only encourages the use of more nukes.
5) Assimilation does not, for the most part, work. So, I do not believe we can expect an Islamic reformation to begin with ideas born out of assimilation into Western Culture.
6) Our strategy in Iraq and Afghanistan was absolutely wrong. And, the peak evidence of that is that we allowed them to enshrine Sharia in their respective Constitutions. Our blueprint for victory is Japan and Germany. We wrote those Constitutions. We eliminated the state-sponsored religions of Nazism and triabalist Japanese Shinto Buddhism. We did not follow our own blueprint for victory, therefore, we are destined to fail in those two countries.
7) Even if we did succeed, all we would have succeeded with, in my opinion, is establishig a Democracy in the ME, which would in turn have been demonized by all the other ME countries, just as they demonize Israel, the U.S. and the West. They have told us themselves, Islam and Democracy do not mix. So, they would continuously work to destroy an Iraqi or Afghani Democracy. Those countries would never be safe.
8) THEREFORE, the only solution is a long-term policy of Imperialism across the ME. In this way, we could pay for our occupation with the proceeds of the countries GNP. And, we could, over many generatations, teach them the meaning of Freedom and Democracy and Human Rights.
This will come to be perceived as the only humane option, in my opinion.
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Green Energy