"Homelessness, crime, racism, oppression-we have the resources and knowledge to fight and overcome these things.""We need to look beyond our isolated situations, to define our problems globally. We cannot be child advocates . . . in Chicago or New York and ignore the web that links us with the children of India or Palestine.""In a truly just society there would be a greater sharing of the burden, a fairer distribution of material and human resources."
Translation 'evil property instills itself purposefully thru the political corruption of the child in education' as a dedicated way of perpetuating itself? If this is not BLATANT marxist dialectic, and thought processes, they don't exist. Just as Islam makes all politics religion and the reverse, so this breed of thought makes all reality subject to the imprint of the dialectic. DISGUSTING, for it reduces unarguable fact to a political purpose.As Ayers wrote later, he took fire from Greene's lectures on how the "oppressive hegemony" of the capitalist social order "reproduces" itself through the traditional practice of public schooling-critical pedagogy's fancy way of saying that the evil corporations exercise thought control through the schools.
Get it?Greene told future teachers that they could help change this bleak landscape by developing a "transformative" vision of social justice and democracy in their classrooms