Green Energy
The Midnight Special
Before we had our MTV and VH1 and CMT and all the rest we had Friday Night Videos and Burt S

ugarman's Midnight Special, something to look forward to all week. Never knew who was going to be on.
Breezin' was such a c

ool album when it came out, Benson crossing over and topping both R&B & Pop charts. Wore my copy out. This guy is as smooth a guitarist and vocalist as they come.
Fleetwood Mac, Live on The Midnight Special (introduced by I Am Woman herself) ...
This Week On The Gathering Storm: Midnight Rider!
Listen to The Gathering Storm Radio Show, hosted by WC and Always On Watch. The show broadcasts live for 30 minutes every Friday beginning at noon, Pacific Time. The call-in number is 646-915-9870. Callers welcome! Our scheduled guest this week is Midnight...
This Week On The Gathering Storm
Listen to The Gathering Storm Radio Show, hosted by WC and Always On Watch. The show broadcasts live for 30 minutes every Friday beginning at noon, Pacific Time. The call-in number is 646-915-9870. Callers welcome! Our scheduled guests this week are IQ...
George Benson
Obama's Special Birthday Bash
I feel so bad, so sad, that I missed our special president's special day, his special birthday. I hope I make up for it by posting a special song just for him.
Green Energy