Green Energy
The Missiles of Qom
Pentagon sees growing Iran long-range missile threat
Iran will have a long-range missile capability within five years, the head of the Pentagon’s Missile Defense Agency said last week. Air Force Lt. Gen. Henry Obering told reporters the Iranian missile threat is a prime concern and the main reason the Pentagon is working to set up a third global ground-based anti-missile interceptor based in Poland and a radar site in Czech Republic.
The 10 long-range missile interceptors will be deployed by 2012 to counter the emerging threat of Iranian long-range missiles. “The immediate threat in terms of emerging threats that we see is obviously the Iranians, and they're putting a lot of energy into that [long-range missile] program," Obering said in a conference call with reporters.
The deployment will require further negotiations with the governments of Poland and Czech Republic but both have agreed to provide bases for the interceptor site, which will be similar to the U.S. missile defense interceptor site at Fort Greeley, Alaska.
Obering warned that the Iranians are working aggressively on long-range missiles or space launchers that are often used as cover for missile programs.

Iran has Shahab-3 medium-range missiles, with ranges of 620 miles that are capable of reaching some parts of Europe. Iran is working on Shahab-4, Shahab-5 and Shahab-6 missiles that have ranges from 1,240 miles to 4,154 miles, and which could also be used as nonmilitary space launchers.
4154 miles from Iran?
Moscow (In case the godless mushrikim athiests get out of line)
London to Teheran, straight line 2720 miles
Tokyo 4770 miles
Bangkok 3390 miles
Las Vegas, safe at 7400 miles !
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