Green Energy
The News Keeps Gettting Better And Better

But not for us counter-jihadists.
According to
this article in the January 4, 2008 edition of the
Washington Post (hat-tip to
Eleanor Duckwall's Spotlight, where I found the following:
In an age of spy satellites, security cameras and an Internet that stores every keystroke, terrorism suspects are using simple, low-tech tricks to cloak their communications, making life difficult for authorities who had hoped technology would give them the upper hand.
Across Europe, al-Qaeda operatives and sympathizers are avoiding places that they assume are bugged or monitored, such as mosques and Islamic bookshops, counterterrorism experts said. In several cases, suspects have gone back to nature -- leaving the cities on camping trips or wilderness expeditions so they can discuss plots without fear of being overheard.
Overall, terrorist cells around the world have become noticeably more skilled at avoiding detection, European counterterrorism officials and analysts said in interviews....
Read the entire
WaPo article
I'm getting mighty weary of being such a doomsayer, in this the first week of 2008.
More On The Terror Threat To Europe
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Eating Their Own
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I Never Said That Al-qaeda Is Stupid
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Green Energy