Green Energy
The next time you tell your wife/lover you love her : HERE IS THE BAR TO MEASURE YOURSELF AGAINST
Compared to this, EVERYTHING else is total bullshit.
HERO: Hideaki Akaiwa
This is Hideaki Akaiwa. When the Tsunami hit his home town of Ishinomaki, Hideaki was at work. Realising his wife was trapped in their home, he ignored the advice of professionals, who told him to wait for the army to arrive to provide search and rescue.
Instead he found some scuba gear, jumped in the raging torrent - dodging cars, houses and other debris being dragged around by the powerful current, any of which could have killed him instantly - and navigated the now submerged streets in pitch dark, freezing water (MARCH, the north pacific, night, remember?) until he found his house. Swimming inside, he discovered his wife alive on the upper level with only a small amount of breathing room, and sharing his respirator, pulled her out to safety.
If he had waited for the army, his wife of 20 years would be dead.
Oh, and if that’s not enough badassery for one lifetime, Hideaki realised his mother was also unaccounted for, so jumped back in the water and managed to save her life also.
BTW, here’s the town

Muslim Dating Game: Turkish Man Seeks New Lover On Tv Show After Killing Two Others
Yes, that's right. He has murdered TWO previous partners, a wife and a girlfriend. From the Daily Star: ISTANBUL: A man who appeared on a Turkish television dating show in search of a new partner shocked the audience by revealing he had murdered...
Great Moments In The History Of Mohammed
Mohammed released in France after serving less than half of 5-year sentence (Paris) Algerian singer Mohammed Khalifati (stage name Cheb Mami) was today released from jail after serving less than half of a 5-year sentence he received in 2009 for the...
Many more at The Denver PostUpdate: from anonymous in comments: The bldg. in that image was practically brand new, less than six months old and was only partially occupied. The devastation is terrible. While watching televised reports anticipating the...
The Garden (of Hell)
Paul Bowles pictured here in a photograph by Allen Ginsberg Paul Bowles was a real freak, in my opinion. He wrote stories from a perspective that Liberals love. Some of his stories dealt with, or hinted at, pedophilia. He was also good friends with...
The Garden (of Hell)
There are few people in this world for whose intelligence I have more respect than Baron Bodissey of Gates of Vienna. But, guess what? I actually got the opportunity to tell Baron something he didn't know about. (I know, I know, you're saying,...
Green Energy