Green Energy
The Nuisance Of Islam Is Nothing Compared To Immigration Itself

The above headline is a quote from a commenter at Brussels Journal.
Now, certainly, a commenter at Brussels Journal does not necessarily reflect any opinion held by BJ or any or its editors, or contributors.
So why, then, do I use it as a title? Because, this comment, from a guy who calls himself Anti-Europeanism, is a prime example of what I am criticizing when I criticize European Ethnic Nationalism.
Not only does this guy believe that immigration is the real issue which is plaguing Europe, but he believes Islam is a mere "nuisance."
In fact, he is in complete denial. Look at what he writes in his next sentence:
... muslim immigrants are not out to destroy us, immigration enthusiasts are.
This is willful ignorance taken to the extreme of the complete denial of one's true enemy.
If European immigration enthusiasts are anything like those in America, then there are a combination of forces at work; big business, naiive altruistic tendencies, a desire on the part of politicians for more voters in their pockets, etc.
But, few immigration enthusiasts are actually "out to destroy us." Or, if they are, they are keeping it a secret.
Muslims, on the other hand, make no secret of the fact that they do, indeed, want to destroy us. They call for the institution of Sharia law in the West. They call for Jihad against the West. They support Osama Bin Laden, and other terrorists. Etc. Etc. Etc.
The problem with Europe Ethnic Nationalism is that it seems to pop up whenever Europeans are under pressure. I will give three examples:
1) The Crusades: The reason for the Crusades was that Muslims had conquered Jersusalem. Pope Innocent called for Christian warriors to drive into Jerusalem and take the city back. They did so, but once they were there, they went about killing the inhabitants of the Holy City, whether they be Muslim or Jew, if they did not convert.
2) The Expulsion of the Moors (which culminated in 1492) - Europe had been under pressure from Islam since the 700's. However, when they got fed up, they really got fed up. The culmination of the Expulsion of the Moors occurred concurrently with two other major events; the Expulsion of the Jews, and the Spanish Inquisition. All three events reached their peak in 1492, and the result was not only a lot of Muslims vanquished, but also a lot of dead Jews and "Christian heretics."
3) Germany 1920's-1945 - the German people were left in ruins after WWII. The runaway inflation of the 1920's made things even worse. The Germans felt demoralized and deflated, as if their own birthright had been stolen from them. Hitler restored the confidence of German citizens using hatred as one of the main mechanisms. Jews, Gypsies, retarded people, and others were made to pay for the Germans own sense of weakness.
Similarly, what we find today is a Europe once again under massive pressure from Islam. But, are Europeans reacting to this pressure by recognizing their enemy and going after him, and him only? No, we are seeing two things occurring;
1) The Left are blaming the Israel lobby
2) The Right are blaming immigration
I have family in Europe and, to tell the truth, they blame both.
No one with a powerful voice is consistently putting the fault exactly where it lies: Islam.
So, given the history of Europe, and the way events are taking shape now, what do you think is going to happen?
Will Europe recognize that it's problems emanate from the radical Muslims in their midst? Will they, then, take the steps necessary to remove those Muslims from their population? Or, will Europe use the bizarre shotgun approach which they have consistently used throughout their history? Will, somehow, Jews and immigrants be caught up in the violence as well?
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Green Energy