Americablog, which touts it mission as the people deserving the truth, live blogged SOTU and Alito's mouthing of 'not true'.
The comments of the left, way left and ridiculous left should be sampled to truly appreciate the thought patterns, including the reactions to presentation of fact as 'funny'.
The amazing display is HERE
A sample:
"The 5 Justices who ruled in favor of corporate control of our elections are lucky they aren't being hung on national TV for treason. We are now officially a Fascist State. Our little experiment in representative Democracy is over"
"Not that I would ever wish anything bad on anyone... but I sure hope Obama gets to put a few more judges on the SC before his Presidency is over.
We could use more Sotomayors (well to the left of her would be even better) and a less Alitos."
"He's just overturned a century of legal president as an activist judge trying to install his unitary executive (dictator). He hates democracy and he's the one with the power to destroy it, legally."
"Those bastards on the supreme court who decided on behalf of corporations deserve to be put in stocks in the village square, for attempting to destroy the country, it's social contract, and enslave every man, women and child in this country who doesn't happen to be a billionaire or near billionaire.
Calling them out in the state of the union speech is letting them off easy."
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