Green Energy
The Religion Of Cute Little Fluffy Kittens

For the past week I have been getting an earful from a leftie friend who is insisting upon lecturing me for calling our enemy Islamofascism. I have patiently instructed this woman that the specific reason I use the term is to differentiate our enemy from common, everyday, decent human beings who are Muslim.

This is not enough for the woman, because she is a dumb appeasing hippie who is afraid of any labels. She said so herself. "I don't like the idea of labeling."
I pointed out to her that words have definitions and we use words to label things in order to make distinctions within reality. If we didn't do this, everything would be a big mush to us, and we would be unable to exert the intellectual power we have in order to create, innovate, and enact change.
Of course, being that she is a dumb appeasing leftie hippie, all logic is lost on her disappearing in a cloud of marijuana smoke, and her anger at me for being a bigot.
Well, you know what? I've decided she is right after all.
No longer will I call our enemy "Islamofascism." It's just too mean. I
have been being bigoted. I should never have been so judgemental and negative. The situation simply doesn't warrant such rhetoric.

So, from now on I will call Islam the Religion of Cute Little Fluffy Kittens, and I would ask all of the bloggers here at IBA to do the same
Now this new name will not cause me to refrain from telling the truth about the Religion of Cute Fluffy Little Kittens, because for sure the followers of said religion tell us, time and again, in word and action, that they want to separate our heads from our bodies, that they want to enshroud women in portable concentration camps, that they want to kill gay people, that they want to slice women's clitoris' off their bodies, that they want to wipe Israel off the map, that they want to put an end to free speech, that they want to enslave the entire world under their medieval Sharia law, etc. etc. etc.

Aren't those just the cutest little fluffy fucking kittens you have ever seen?
Calling Islam “islam”
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The Moderate Nation
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Green Energy