The Rise of the Brainless ISIS is Good for Us All
Green Energy

The Rise of the Brainless ISIS is Good for Us All

Recently I left a comment to MR's post Journalist Fouad Hussein Called It In 2005, His Prediction About the Course of Jihad Eerily Predict Today's Events saying:

Up until the fifth phase it is pretty accurate but the problem starts when these scenarios or phases don't consider the clear possibility of civil war.

Same mistake was made by MB in Egypt when they thought that seizing power in Egypt was all they needed to do then they had free reign. But their clear barbarism backfired and the army and a lot of the populace had other plans.

I think the muzzies will be stuck in the fifth phase for quite a while and there will be a lot of infighting.

This latest idiocy from the muzzies is going to attract a lot of "waiting to be jihadis" from the west to the battleground in the middle east hence actually helping the west get rid of this threat.

It is true that 1.2 billion muslims (more accurate figure than 1.6 that everyone seems to want to quote) would be a huge force if they were all united, but it is also true that infighting between 1.2 billion idiots makes this a very uncertain civil war that will be fought for decades without a clear victor.

In the end, at the end of the so called civil war filled fifth stage, the muzzies will end up weakening each other and some power, Russia, China or the US (if it has a president with a brain) will decide to take over the oil fields and leave the muzzies to kill each other.

The fact that muzzie terrorists are so overtly barbaric makes the more powerful countries (Russia, US, China, Western Europe) unable to openly support them so there is going to be no overt alliance with these barbarians, leaving them stranded.

That is how I see it happening. This is too soon on the part of the muzzies. It is a failed project in the end.

I am glad they're idiots and making these mistakes and I also think the non Muslims should pack their bags because the shit is about to hit the fan for all the muzzies in the region and non muslims don't want to get caught in the middle of it.

Now I am no prophet and I don't claim to be one either. But the reason I say that there is going to be a civil war between Muslims is because the idea of a perfect caliphate where all Muslims live united and in harmony is just a pipe dream. It never happened and it never will. It is just what Muslims are taught: There was a time when all Muslims lived in harmony, but then the infidels wanted to destroy Muslims and their awesome success so they plotted against Muslims and divided them all. This BS makes sure that most Muslims grow up thinking that only if a caliphate were around, Muslims would be all-powerful and lording over infidels. This is what Muslim Brotherhood and their offspring (Al Qaeda, Hamas, Taliban) and Shi'a idiots like Hezbollah and all of Iranian leaders and politicians are all about.

The problem though is that there is no consensus among Muslims about what a caliphate is supposed to look like. Even during Mohammed's time, before any caliphs were even chosen and before there was even a caliphate to speak of, there was division among Muslims. Muslims have never been united in all the years that they've existed. Even the Ottoman Empire didn't have all Muslims united under its banner. Like I said, its a pipe dream.

Even with this latest BS of a caliphate, sunni and Shiite mullahs are coming out saying that it is not a caliphate according to Islamic rules and regulations. Even ISIS's idiots-in-arms in Syria released a statement saying they don't support the caliphate. And the problem one knows for sure what makes a true caliphate and what makes a true caliph. Muslims never got their shit together about these things because they were always busy looting other people's property to have a proper system of government. Mohammed the pig was always looking out for himself, he never really cared for what might happen after he died.

The first four caliphs were all caught in civil wars, while waging wars on others around them. Bottom line is, there never was any harmony among Muslims. This pipe dream though lives on in the minds of Muslims.

And that is why I say that ISIS is actually a blessing in disguise. Why? Because they believe in this pipe dreams. They think it was real and think it can be real again. And as long as they believe in this crap, they will fight to the death for it. And they will attack those closest to them because they want to establish this magical caliphate. Best part is that all of the lands that they want to go after in the near future are occupied by muzzies. The teeny problem is that those muzzies don't care much for this caliphate (hence the mullahs in their pocket are busy declaring this caliphate an illegitimate one). So they are fighting to stay in control. This results in *drum roll* civil war!

All this time muzzies have been busy trying to kill infidels but now, thanks to ISIS, they have turned on each other. Muzzies killing muzzies means they kill and weaken each other while leaving the West alone for now. And like I said in my comment, this also means that the brain dead idiot jihadis in the West feel it their duty to go and fight for the brain dead ISIS hence cleansing the West of them.

A win-win if you ask me.

The only problems I see are the minority Christian (if I remember correctly, there are no Jews left in those areas) population becoming an easy target and so I think they need to pack their bags. Another problem is the US and EU deciding to arm these idiots and tipping the balance in the favor of ISIS...which might not be a bad thing, I just think muzzies should be left to kill each other with the weapons they have.

Anywho, with all the alarm bells being rung about ISIS, I think there is a lot of positive things that come out of these idiots existing. They might just be the useful idiots who help us solve the problem of homicidal muzzies by just killing each other.

The West should just worry about protecting its own populace.

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