Image via Wikipedia
In 12 years year the largest single item in the national budget won't be the defense dept.
It won't be welfare
It won't be medicare, or medicaid.
It won't be social security.
It sure as hell won't be education, or veterans affairs, or research grants.
There is NO DISPUTE that the single largest item will be INTEREST PAYMENTS on the national debt.
But Time Magazine thinks that despite the fact that no one disputes this, the real problem is not that we will spend more on JUST the interest component of payments (let alone the paydown itself), but that we ARE EXTRAORDINARILY CONCERNED ABOUT IT.
Can there be anything more iconic of PRECISELY what's wrong around here?
Almost everyone seems to think that these mounting debts are a severe threat to American prosperity. But what if the real problem isn't too much debt but too much anxiety about debt?
Read more: http://www.time.com/time/magazine/article/0,9171,1969745,00.html#ixzz0hmv0Gqme
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