Green Energy
The thin veil of moderate muslims?....'Western values a sickness'
thanks to LGF, FROM CANADA....
We were ...surprised M(ontreal)M(uslim)N(ews) would comment on a statement made by Australian Treasurer Peter Costello that Muslim immigrants should adapt to Australian values as follows:

Calling on Muslim (sic) to embrace western values, or in this case Australian values, is merely coded speech calling on us to leave our faith. For believing Muslims our set of values are based on the Quran and the noble example of the prophet Muhammad. If we look deeply into the sickness of what passes for "western values" one can see why we choose Allah over human made systems of morality and conduct.
Allah unambigously says in the Holy Quran:
"O you who believe, obey Allaah and obey His Messenger, and the people in authority among you. And if you dispute over anything, refer it to Allaah and His Messenger if you really believe in Allaah and the Last Day, that is best in terms of consequences." (4:59)
"And he who does not rule by what Allaah sent down, it is they who are the disbelievers." (5:44)
"And he who does not rule by what Allaah sent down, it is they who are the wrongdoers." (5:45)
"And he who does not rule by what Allaah sent down, it is they who are the rebellious." (5:47)"
It was only a matter of time until MMN would make its Salafi creed unmistakably clear by overtly expressing such utter contempt for Western civilization and Muslims who strike a balance between religious imperatives and Western values. The fact that the site is hosted by Montreal Muslim Council President Salam Elmenyawi is all the more worrying, when one considers how Mr. Elmenyawi has become in the eye of the media the go-to Muslim for statements supposedly representative of Montreal's Muslim community.
There can be only one end, if this is the will of muslims who DO speak up, while others remain silent, as if already in their graves. It seems simply that those whom westerners, little more than the useful idiots who were tools for the politburo in their hopeful naeivity, have annointed as moderates, such as Siddiqui here, the vanilla efforting CAIR-ites, Qaradawi ( a moderate to Newsweek), and these people, continually
when watched reveal themselves ineluctably, inevitably, -psychologically unable to control the vast fertilizer of pure hatreds for freedom their interpretation of god's word has spawned
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Green Energy