Green Energy
The ultimate environmental problem.

It always was.
Ted Turner, at least, admits it
If steps aren't taken to stem global warming, "We'll be eight degrees hotter in 30 or 40 years and basically none of the crops will grow," Turner said during a wide-ranging, hour-long interview with PBS's Charlie Rose that aired Tuesday.
"Most of the people will have died and the rest of us will be cannibals," said Turner, 69. "Civilization will have broken down. The few people left will be living in a failed state -- like Somalia or Sudan -- and living conditions will be intolerable."
One way to combat global warming, Turner said, is to stabilize the population.
"We're too many people; that's why we have global warming," he said. "Too many people are using too much stuff."
Ted, no voluntary child limit is ever going to work.
No one nation or group of nations is going to voluntarily sink their economies to be enlightened.
Nobody is going to ride a bike to work in Feb while their family freezes in the dark to make a better world.
Let's just have a big fat war if we're too many rats in the cage, Ted.
Of course we could just turn all the surplus food into fuel and starve about 2 billion people,as well.
What a faithless moron!
They call it SCIENCE, Ted.
This is same interview in which he likened the 'insurgents' in Iraq to modern day Ben Franklins, and Sam Adams'. Yeah I remember seeing the protraits of ole Ben sawing people's heads off for not being Christian enough, or patriotic enough, and running around in gangs kidnapping everyone's children to run out and buy some more muskets. I guess he just spent too much time with ex wife and her pals
``if They Would Rather Die,'' Said Scrooge, ``they Had Better Do It, And Decrease The Surplus Population
Dear Ted -- If you are so concerned with over-population why don't you do the Earth and ALL of us a favor and take Dickens' advice? Globe and Mail: Ted Turner urges global one-child policy to save planet SHAWN McCARTHY Climate change and population...
White House: About That Global Warming Thing, Maybe We Oughta Call It A Disruption
Seriously, dudes, if you're into Obama, tell me, how do you have a "disruption" in weather? Does that mean, like, there was no weather for a little while. Cuz, if so, that must have been a real trip. Sorry I didn't notice it.From Weasel...
The Long Denouement
Rasmussen Poll: Only 35% Now Believe in Man-Made Global Warming... The global warming alarmists like Al Gore, Charles Johnson and the UN's IPCC are finished, however the MSM will continue to play along and give the impression that people...
Too Many Rats In A Cage?
Civilizational cataclysm has more than one form, or... You know those days when anything the wife does makes you want to rip out a wall? It's all around us. Live Earth, draws attention to global warming. But of course, the underlying cause is people...
Ever Wondered If Americans Have Turned Off Cnn Because They Just Sense Something Is Simply Not Right?
At the National Press clus today Ted Turner said he both couldn't pick a side in the war on terror and that the american flag has no place in the news or thru the media. I guess THIS GUY WAS A WASTE OF LIFE THEN, YOU PUTZ...
Green Energy