Green Energy
There, And No Further: Sweden Stands Up To Islam

The Swedish Prime Minister has made a clear and definitive answer to Iran and Pakistan's protestations about a recent Mohammed cartoon:
I think it is important to say two things. The first is that we have been very keen on a Sweden that will be a country where muslims and Christians, those that believe in God and those who don’t, can live side by side in mutual respect. We think that we have come very far. I have a responsibility for this to continue and to take initiative to deepen this reciprocity and respect.
At the same time we are very focused on standing up for freedom of expression which is a basic right in the law and which comes natural to us and which ensures that we do not make political decisions about what is published in newspapers. I want to keep it this way.
I love that the Swedish flag includes a Crusader like Christian cross. It's ironic, considering there aren't too many Swedes who actually believe in God anymore. But the flag flies nonetheless. I'm sure this is noted in the Muslim world.
Here's the offensive cartoon. Watch out, it's frightening stuff.

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