Green Energy
They spent all their time reading comics like X-Men without knowing the creators were Jewish?

Sometimes the stuff said on a message board can provide something to ponder. Here's a little something from the leftist British showbiz site Bleeding Cool, where posted some more items from the X-Men story where some Marvel heroines like Kitty Pryde raid the fictionalized version of Iran and Ahmedinejad's regime. They were one of the few sites that said anything about the following issue, and considering where a British site like this could skew towards, a little odd they might suggest they're willing to be favorable towards this.
But now, let's turn to the really sad part here, that being the commentors on their forum who replied to this subject. For example, one person said:
I cannot wait until Sooraya (Dust) rescues some Palestinian mutants from the hands of the IDF. Wait... that would never happen because Israel is a good country, correct?
The above panel is disgusting. It's exactly the sort of commentary that a comic book, with its manichean morality, doesn't have the authority to comment on.
And another said:
(Silliness aside, I can take this sort of nonsense in comics about as seriously as I can take Ultimate Captain Jingoism^America's political statements, which is to say not at all)
And then there's this one:
Is Kitty nuts? She may start wwiii.
Mel Gibson's right. Mutant Jews start all the wars. Nice job, sugartits.
Gee, such language. I'm sure not all of those who've got negative sentiments like what the above imply are British, but they sure are degrading. One can only wonder what they'd say if there was ever a character in these books of Armenian descent.
And for anyone that lugubrious, we've got some most excruciatingly bad news for them: didn't they know that Jerry Siegel, Joe Shuster, Stan Lee, Jack Kirby, Joe Simon, and quite a few other contributors to US comics like these were Jewish? Even Chris Claremont, to my knowledge, may have some Jewish ancestry, though he's certainly one of the kind of British natives who could have French ancestry. My point is: if they have such negative sentiments towards Israel/Jews and even Americans, for that matter, why would they even bother to read their stuff? If I were in their position, I don't think I'd be in such a hurry to read something made by the very people whom those shady characters seem to despise.
But, if the above is any suggestion, we'll probably be seeing some of these creepy people making an exodus from the readership of Jewish-created American comics soon, if they haven't done so already. And if these are bad Brits making those dismal cracks, we can probably figure they'll turn their money back towards buying Judge Dredd, the comic whose main achievement seems to be depicting the USA as a quasi-totalitarian regime. Simply put, if they don't like Jews/Israel/America, they shouldn't bother about their creations and products, and that could even include a computer brand called Pentium.

Life is full of mysteries, and that could even include why anyone in the UK would care to attack Rupert Murdoch after all the time he's been cozy with Saudi prince Alwaleed bin Talal, now that I think of the subject. Speaking of which, Diana West has some info on Khaled, the brother of the prince, who said something very obscene - offering money to kidnap Israeli soldiers - that likely won't be published by FOX and NewsCorp because Murdoch wouldn't want to strain relations with the oh-so important prince. You know some British who don't like Murdoch are going to come away feeling stunned by that information.
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