Green Energy
This Week on The Gathering Storm Radio Show

Listen to the nearly famous Gathering Storm Radio Show, that AlwaysOnWatch and I co-host. The show broadcasts live every Friday for one hour at NOON, Pacific Time.
Friday, October 12: Our guest this week for the entire hour is Cassandra, author of Escape! From An Arab Marriage Horror Stories from Women Who Fled Abusive Muslim Husbands. We welcome her back for her third appearance on the show.
The topic of discussion on this week's radio show will be Cassandra's take on Dr. Anis Shorrosh's The Twenty-Year Plan: Islam Targets America, which you can read HERE.
The call-in number is (646) 915-9870.
Callers welcome!
If you are unable to listen live to the radio show, you can listen to recordings of the radio broadcasts later by CLICKING HERE.
The call-in number again is (646) 915-9870. Converse with my co-host and I, chat with our guests or if you must, just air your spleen!
This Week On The Gathering Storm Radio Show
Listen to the nearly famous Gathering Storm Radio Show, that AlwaysOnWatch and I co-host. The show broadcasts live every Friday for one hour at NOON, Pacific Time. Friday, February 15: (90-minute show): This week's guest for the entire show will...
This Week On The Gathering Storm Radio Show
Listen to the nearly famous Gathering Storm Radio Show, that AlwaysOnWatch and I co-host. The show broadcasts live every Friday for one hour at NOON, Pacific Time. Friday, October 26: We have two guests this week joining us on our show. Mr. Ducky -...
This Week On The Gathering Storm Radio Show
Listen to the nearly famous Gathering Storm Radio Show, that AlwaysOnWatch and I co-host. The show broadcasts live every Friday for one hour at NOON, Pacific Time. Friday, October 19: Two interviewees, Mustang and Freedom Fighter, will be joining us...
This Week On The Gathering Storm Radio Show
Listen to the nearly famous Gathering Storm Radio Show, that AlwaysOnWatch and I co-host. The show broadcasts live every Friday for one hour at NOON, Pacific Time. Friday, September 21: Special show! Our interviewee this week is Foe Hammer of Foehammer's...
This Week On The Gathering Storm Radio Show
Listen to the nearly famous Gathering Storm Radio Show, which AlwaysOnWatch and I cohost. The show broadcasts live every Friday for one hour at NOON, Pacific Time. Friday, August 24: Our guests this week are author Cassandra and blogger Jon Quixote....
Green Energy