Green Energy
Those Fabulous Chinese Models
I know that this has been up for a while at LGF, but I love it so much that I just had to repost it here. Some of these models are sporting suits based on the Iranian flag. Take that, Ahmadenijad!! Besides, I don't think the Chinese put up with fatwas.
Iran Changes Dollar For Euro Or Yen In Oil Exports
This is something Ahmadenijad had already announced some months ago, but now it's being formally announced:"All the oil operations are being made in euros or in yens" Hojjatollah Ghanimifard has explained. Ghanimifard is the director of foreign relations...
2007 - Not A Good Year For Islam
According to the Chinese horoscope, 2007 is the Year of the Pig. Pigs are models of sincerity, purity, tolerance, and honor. When you first meet them, Pigs seem too good to be true. They are careful and caring, obliging and chivalrous. Put your trust...
China May Back Coup Against North Korean Regime
From the Australian: THE Chinese are openly debating "regime change" in Pyongyang after last week's nuclear test by their confrontational neighbour. Diplomats in Beijing said at the weekend that China and all the major US allies believed North Korea's...
Ahmadenijad To Run For Us President As A Democrat
During Mike Wallace's interview with Iranian President Ahmadenijad, the Iranian madman brought up a couple of DNC talking points...the number of US citizens in jail and how some are not covered by healthcare. My sources tell me that DNC chairman Howard...
Hizbullah Acquired 20 Different Rocket Types From Iran, Syria, China
Gertz again..excerpted... TEL AVIV — The Jaffee Center for Strategic Studies said Hizbullah has acquired or maintained access to nearly 20 models of rockets, many of which have been used in the war against Israel. In a report, the center said Hizbullah...
Green Energy