Green Energy
Three Little Pigs Deemed Offensive To Muslims

Muslims will huff and puff and blow your house down ...
if you let them.
How fucking pathetic do you have to be to censor fairy tales because you fear they might be offensive to Muslims? Sure, Muslims might be offended. That's the fun of having Muslims around. You never know what might offend them.
From Up Pompeii:
A digital book based on the story of the Three Little Pigs has been rejected by judges presiding over the annual BETT awards of the government's educational technology tentacle, Becta, because the literary deployment of porkers "raises cultural issues".
The CD-Rom - produced by Newcastle-based Shoo-fly - is aimed at primary school kids, but the judges said they had "concerns about the Asian community and the use of pigs raises cultural issues", according to the BBC.
The book recently secured the "Best Primary Resource and Innovation in Education" prize at the Education Resource Awards, but Becta explained to the publishers that they "could not recommend this product to the Muslim community"..................................................
This just had to happen, well quite frankly who gives a damn about what the Muslim community thinks.
This is another utterly stupid act of dhimimitude and oversensitivity.When are they going to declare Animal Farm unclean or unfit after all the Pig was the leader (if I remember correctly).
Piglet, Teddy Bears and now the three little Pigs, what idiotic people are making these fatuous decisions. They are
clearly not very bright, so I think they work for a Goverment Quango - after al, being dim is a pre-requsite. Yup just checked it is a Quango here is BECTA
Oh d-d-d-dear, why do they hate me so?
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Green Energy