Green Energy
Time Magazine's Dhimmitude

The day before Thanksgiving, the November 27, 2006 edition of
Time Magazine arrived in my mailbox. Not wanting to spoil my appetite for the big feast, I decided to wait after Thanksgiving dinner to read this particular issue. But early on Thursday morning, as I was cruising the blogs over my first cup of coffee, I read
this blog article by Pim's Ghost. She was all riled up....
Being the trust-but-verify type, I turned immediately to pages 42-43. Sure enough! Pim's Ghost had exactly reproduced what
Time passes off as "Christianity and Islam: A History of Interaction." Something else jumped out at me from Pim's Ghost's essay — the author of one of the commentaries which
Time included in this edition....
A Story That Could Lead Nowhere Out Of Political Correctness
Marvel published a Secret Wars tie-in called Secret Love, where they seem to put in a brief love between the Muslim Ms. Marvel and a new Ghost Rider of a different racial background than his predecessors, though I've got a feeling it won't last,...
I Couldn't Resist Posting This Turkey
Don't let it ruin your appetite for the coming day of Thanksgiving: Hat tip to Ron Russell who commented as follows at his blog:It will soon be that time again, the time to pardon the White House turkey; but the biggest turkey at 1600 Pennsylvania...
How To Tell There Is No Point In Trying To Improve America's Image In This World
President Chavez brought the house down. When he said the process in Copenhagen was "not democratic, it is not inclusive, but isn't that the reality of our world, the world is really and imperial dictatorship...down with imperial dictatorships"...
Pride Goeth Before A Fall
I haven't yet opened my copy of Time Magazine, dated November 24, 2008. You can read that edition online HERE. Below is the cover: I wonder what cover design Time will use for the Christmas edition?...
Another Dilemma For Borders Books
On May 17, 2006, Robert Bidinotto reported on another possible dilemma for Borders Books. Read what Bidinotto had to say here. Synopsis: Harper's Magazine is publishing the offensive MTP cartoons in the June 2006 edition. According to Bidinotto, that...
Green Energy