Green Energy
Today, the new democratic majority will self identify..Moveon, or Center,Kos or Bull Moose
Murtha or Hoyer in a secret ballot.
Who was elected last week, and who leads?
Here is the elected... a self identifying pic:
“A lifetime of Hoosier values, a southwest Indiana native, Brad Ellsworth knows faith and family comes first… Opposes abortion, and supports traditional marriage… a hunter who supports the Second Amendment, who will fight to protect our kids from violence and filth on TV and the Internet.”
That's a democrat, sports fans. Here's another....

The former created the majority, the latter ...Pelosi-Murtha-Rangel-Conyers runs it.
Today the election for majority leader in the democratic congress will occurr by secret ballot, with no need for all those who represent a lifetime of hoosier values to reveal or be pressured into a vote for defeat, ignominy and radicalism.
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Green Energy