Today's meaning of life question
Green Energy

Today's meaning of life question

Being a fan of MadMen is a symptom of loving the creative. The media is apples and oranges vs TV but the product competition.

So the question is ...

Real Men Of Genius

The Most Interesting Man in the World

This week I had a Dos Equis for the first time ...INSTEAD OF A GUINNESS!!
Stay thirsty, my friends.

- World's Smallest Violin For Man With World's Largest Penis
From the Australian: ROBERTO Esquivel Cabrera has just set a world record for having the longest penis. The 52-year-old Mexican measured in at a whopping 18.9 inches (48.2cm), with a tip circumference of 10 inches (25cm), at certification by World Record...

- How Ridiculous Is The Obamacare Number Using Shopping Cart Selection As A ‘sale’?
It counts ME.Last night WaPo described how the Obama Admin will be counting as enrollment anyone who got to the actual plans and clicked on one as a choice from several presented (catastrophic, bronze, silver, gold from any supplier) and then never paid....

- U6=20
From no LESS than WaPo:Since 2007, the percent of the population that either has a job or is actively looking for one has fallen from 62.7 percent to 58.5 percent. That’s millions of workers leaving the workforce, and it’s not because they’ve become...

- The Moron "why"
This is dedicated to all those whose response to Jihadi attacks is to ask, "Why do they hate us? Why do they do the things they do to us?" From Dag at No Dhimmitude: In the old days before we became obsessed with self-esteem and cultural sensitivity and...

- An Open Letter From An Apostate
Please help spread this letter. Everyone has permission to reproduce it if they so wish. Hello, My name's Joshua. It's not my real name, but it's the name I want for myself. I am a 20 year old Pakistani citizen, born in Riyadh, Saudi...

Green Energy
