CNN Employee On TSA ‘Love Pats’: “I Felt Helpless, Violated and Humiliated” CNN employee Rosemary Fitzpatrick described her “love pats” from the the TSA. It sounds more like an assault. “I felt helpless, I felt violated, and I felt humiliated.”
CNN reported:
Rosemary Fitzpatrick, a CNN employee, said she was subjected to a pat-down at the Orlando, Florida, airport on Wednesday night after her underwire bra set off a magnetometer. She said she was taken to a private area and searched, with transportation screening officers telling her the pat-down was a new procedure.
According to Fitzpatrick, a female screener ran her hands around her breasts, over her stomach, buttocks and her inner thighs, and briefly touched her crotch.
“I felt helpless, I felt violated, and I felt humiliated,” Fitzpatrick said, adding that she was reduced to tears at the checkpoint. She particularly objected to the fact that travelers were not warned about the new procedures.
Fitzpatrick sent an e-mail complaint about her experience to the TSA that said the agency needs to get the word out so that travelers know their rights.
US Pilot on Intrusive TSA Procedures: “They Want to See My Penis… And, If I Don’t Let Them See It, They Want to Touch It” (Video)
It Begins… Ohio Woman With Baby Describes Sexual Assault By TSA Agent (Video) Posted by Jim Hoft on Wednesday, November 17, 2010, 11:35 PM An Ohio woman traveling with a baby was sexually assaulted by a TSA agent. She described her horrible experience with airport security agents on FOX News earlier today.
Sorry, Claire, this was no “love pat.”
Ohio Woman Describes Sexual Assault:
“She patted down my arms, my back, my lower back. Then she proceeded to go around my waste band with her fingers inside my waste band. She did tell me she was going to do that. After that she gave me no instruction during the pat-down. She then proceeded to touch my buttocks on both sides with the palm of her hand. She then moved around to the front. Touched the tops of my breasts and underneath my breasts. Again, she gave no instruction that she was going to do that. Then she moved to the bottom of my legs moving all the way up my inner thighs touching my private areas and again she did not tell me that she was going to touch me in any of those places.”
Anyone with any decency knows that waht this woman described is sexual abuse. Anyone who has ever traveled to Israel knows that this assault on ordinary Americans is totally unnecessary.
Hey, Claire McCaskill… Here’s Your TSA “Love Pat” Posted by Jim Hoft on Thursday, November 18, 2010, 5:24 AM Remember as view this latest image from Drudge… Democrats support this.
The insanity continues.
Democrats yesterday spoke out in favor of the TSA “love pats“, rub downs, groping, and naked scanning of American flyers. cnet reported, via Free Republic:
Foes of the Transportation Security Agency’s new air-screening procedures, including law enforcement-style pat-downs and what have been called “virtual strip searches,” had hoped that today’s Senate hearing would lead to a privacy outcry on Capitol Hill.
Not quite. The hearing quickly cleaved along partisan lines, with Democratic senators applauding the Obama administration and Republicans offering only modest criticism.
“Mr. Pistole, you’re doing a great job,” Jay Rockefeller, a West Virginia Democrat and chairman of the Senate committee overseeing air travel, told TSA chief John Pistole, a former FBI agent who’s had the job since July. For emphasis, Rockefeller added a few minutes later: “I think you’re doing a terrific job.”
Sen. Amy Klobuchar, a Minnesota Democrat, admitted right away that “I have been a fan of the advanced imaging technology.” American air travelers, she said, “have to understand that this is being done for their best interests and their safety.”
In room 253 of the Russell Senate Office Building this morning, however, Democrats sought to downplay public concerns.
Sen. Claire McCaskill, a Missouri Democrat, suggested that the public outcry was a problem of education: if Americans learned more about the TSA’s new procedures, they wouldn’t object to the new searches.
Once again… Anyone with any decency knows that these rub downs are a form of sexual abuse. And, anyone who has ever traveled to Israel knows that this assault on ordinary Americans is totally unnecessary.
As Selwyn Duke put it at American Thinker, we can profile Muslim terrorists or pat down the masses. Unfortunately, our government would rather abuse its own citizens.
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