Green Energy
Turn About is Fair Play

Iraq has a bone to pick with that pinnacle of opinion free journalism – Al Jazeera. The Iraqi government has discovered that Al Jazeera has been slanting and even creating news events.
So, what is Iraq doing? They sue.
Read the rest at
The Gathering Storm.
Obama Regime Heaps Praise On Al-jazeera, “they’re A Really Important Media Entity, We Have A Really Great Relationship With Them”
From Will at The Other News: In the halls of American power, the Arab Spring has brought Al-Jazeera in from the cold. Seven years after then-Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld called the broadcaster’s reporting “vicious, inaccurate and inexcusable”...
Storm Track Infiltration: Colorado Comes To Its Senses
At least one city Mayor has a backbone and sees the truth for what it is. Al Jazeera is a radical Islam propaganda machine and has no place broadcasting in this country. Read the rest at The Gathering Storm....
Storm Track Infiltration: American Reporter Quits Al-jazeera English
It seems even a dhimmi has his limits. When Al-Jazeera English decided to enter the US market with their seditious propaganda news organization, they wanted to put an Anglo-Saxon face on their new US channel. I assume they felt the ‘balanced news’...
Madeleine Albright In Newsweek
I have had this interview with Madeleine Albright for weeks in my computer. I think that it's very important to read it. She says thinks like: "Islam itself and the Qur'an are not actually antiwoman", "Imposing democracy is an oxymoron" "While...
I'm Ok With This, Anyone Take Issue?
The Los Angeles Times reports... U.S. Military Covertly Pays to Run Stories in Iraqi Press Troops write articles presented as news reports. Some officers object to the practice. By Mark Mazzetti and Borzou Daragahi, Times Staff Writers WASHINGTON As...
Green Energy