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Muslims criticized the program for ridiculing Islam and for containing "stereotypes about Asians [Muslims]." The Twittersphere was aflame yesterday with religious fervor and condemnation of the series.
The BBC received more complaints from viewers and religious leaders about the first episode. It is believed that the number has risen to 600.
Even a former Secretary General of the Muslim Council of Britain, Yousuf Bhailok, said it was ‘the best thing the BBC has done recently’. He added: ‘There is great humour among Muslims. I am glad it has been made.’The comedy is billed as a humorous take on the lives of an ordinary Muslim family living in today’s Britain. However, critics claim it stereotypes Muslims and is ‘disrespectful to the Koran’.(Daily Mail)
Heavily made-up girl in a hijab provokes storm of complaints as BBC is accused of insulting Muslims with new sitcom:
One scene that particularly provoked anger was where a heavily-made up girl, Mr Khan’s daughter, rushed to put on a hijab and pretended to be reading the Koran when her father entered.
The six-part series, which aired for the first time on BBC1 on Monday at 10.35pm, has been created by British Muslim Adil Ray, who also plays the lead role. Read more: (more here)
How many times have I read that honor killing victims would wear the hijab in front of their parents and families and take them off as soon as they were out of sight of their parents (Aqsa Parvez, Rifqa Bary et al)? It wasn't funny for them, but it was true.
Citizen Khan -- Viewers say the program 'takes the mickey out of Islam' and is guilty of 'stereotypes about Asians'. The BBC stepped in it on this one. lol(but there is no lol in Islam.)
"Citizen Khan may face Ofcom investigation"
Debut of BBC1 sitcom about an Asian family prompted complaints that it stereotypes Muslims and insults Islam Guardian, August 30, 2012

Controversial: The firstepisode of BBC
comedy series Citizen Khan attracted in the region of 200 complaints
Ofcom may launch an investigation into the BBC's comedy Citizen Khan.
Ofcom is considering launching an investigation into BBC1's Citizen Khan, a comedy about a modern Asian family, after receivingcomplaints that it stereotypes Muslims and insults Islam.
The TV regulator has received about 20 complaints about the sitcom, which debuted on BBC1 in Monday night, and is now assessing them.
Ofcom will then make a decision as to whether the complaints warrant a formal investigation to see whether the BBC has broken any UK broadcasting rules relating to viewer harm and offence.
The BBC had received 187 complaints by Tuesday about the show, which follows the life of a self-appointed "Muslim community leader" and his British-Pakistani family in Birmingham, following its broadcast.
The number of complaints has almost certainly increased since then, propelled by media coverage of the show, prompting the BBC to decide not to release any updated figures.
The show was groundbreaking for the BBC, the first Asian sitcom commissioned specifically for BBC1, created by and starring British Muslim Adil Ray.
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