UK: Safe House For Muslima Apostates: "If My Parents Found Me, They COULD Kill Me"
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UK: Safe House For Muslima Apostates: "If My Parents Found Me, They COULD Kill Me"

Note the phrasing: They COULD kill me. Not, they would kill me.

That's because Islam directs the parents to kill the child. The question is not, "Will they?" The question is, "Should they?"

And since they should, they would.

From Vlad Tepes:
The BBC still criminally asserts that this kind of violence is motivated by some kind of tribal family honour. The answer is in Reliance of the Traveler, the most authoritative book currently in print on Islamic law, explains in Book O justice on ‘Killing without retribution’ that a family has the obligation to kill children and grandchildren (especially women) who dishonour islam in any way. That the dishonour that falls on the family is actually because they challenged the supremacy of Islam and therefore caused familial disrepute. The BBC, as it always does, continues to shill for islam to the detriment of all.

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