Green Energy
Um. . .

Saw this at
I'd like to say it's a gag but I'm afraid,
very very afraid,
it probably isn't.
These people, you know, vote. And I think I can guess who they voted for.
Now I kinda sorta understand why he won.
Lawrence O'donnell: Those Scriptures Are "an Insane Document Produced By A Madman Who Was A Criminal And A Rapist"
Hugh Hewitt interviewed MSNBC Host, Lawrence O'Donnell, on his radio show the other day. Here is a revealing segment of their exchange. LAWRENCE O’DONNELL: I don’t think he [Mitt Romney] believes everything in the Book of Mormon. I think he’s...
Mother Of Son Whose Life Israeli Drs. Are Working To Save
From Jawa: Israeli doctors trying to save Palestinian kid, money pours in from all over Israel to save the kid's life, and what does the mother have to say about it? "It is a regular thing," she smiles at him. "Life is not precious. Life is precious,...
The History Of O?
Old History (from Power and Control) Not really old history just forgotten according to history Professor David Kaiser. How did he get people on his side? He did it by promising jobs to the jobless, money to the money-less, and rewards for the military-industrial...
February 23, 1945
Back when we weren't afraid to name the enemy, weren't afraid to fight and weren't afraid to win. h/t Gateway Pundit for pic & video: Raising the Flag on Iwo Jima February 23, 1945 (left to right) Ira Hayes, Mike Strank, Franklin Sousley,...
Whispering Through The Fence In The Gulag
Obama may not have the support we all thought he has. From Hillbuzz (a site that seems dedicated to hatred of Obama - so take it for what it's worth): Run_dmc Says: October 26, 2008 at 2:52 pmHi - read this site consistently, but have never commented...
Green Energy